Friday, September 7, 2007

Is Student Ministry Biblical? (Part One)

Just yesterday this blog was reviewed by an independent third party. One of the criticisms we received was that our format is too much like a lecture instead of a dialog. To a certain extent, I agree with the reviewer and so we are going to make a concerted effort to be more Socratic in our writing. Therefore, I start with a simple question: "Is Student Ministry Biblical?"

If the stats that we hear are true and 75% of our students are graduating from student ministry and are leaving the church, then obviously something is not right. So what is the problem? Is it youth pastors? Is it the curriculum we use? Maybe we don't have enough activities or big enough bands coming to play for us? If you asked 100 different youth pastors you would probably get 100 different answers. Still, I'm very curious as to what those answers might be. What is going on in student ministry? Is it Biblical? Is it effective? I want to know what you think. Don't be shy. Here is your chance to anonymously vent. Take advantage of it.

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