Saturday, July 28, 2007

Weekend Update: Christianity In The Cartoons

I ran across an article on the Lawrence Journal-World website entitled The Gospel According To The "Simpsons". The focus of the article was a book by the same title written by Jewish author, Mark Pinsky. In his book, Mr. Pinsky dissects the popular cartoon to see exactly what message is being delivered by its state of the art, computer animated, raucous characters. What Mr. Pinsky says might just surprise you.

I have in the past been very dismissive of the Simpsons for a number of different reasons not the least of which is its irreverence and innuendo. After reading this article and an excerpt from Mr. Pinsky's book, however, I am inclined to be a bit more observant. Don't get me wrong, I won't go out and buy the DVD box set, or have a Simpsons party for my students (heaven forbid!). What I will do is be more careful before I assist the enemies of the church by becoming a stereotype. If anything this article and Mr. Pinsky's book should serve as a means for understanding the people to which we are called to make disciples. And making disciples is something that even Ned Flanders knows is no easy task.

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