Thursday, February 7, 2008

Humble Orthodoxy Hitting The Mark

"Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves."
- Matthew 10:16

If there were
ever a time when this admonition needed heeding, that time is now. In way too many cases prideful posturing and bickering has distracted from the reasoned dialogue that is desperately needed among the growing number of younger, Reformed, evangelicals. At the center of this move toward reasoned dialogue is a group that call themselves New Attitude. Their motto is the phrase, "Humble Orthodoxy", and they are hitting right on the mark.

I grew up as a Bible-believing, king-james only, dispensational, premillenial, fundamentalist, seperated, baptist. I was a pharisee in training. I had a chip on my shoulder as big as Gibraltar and it has taken many years for me to see at an older age what the Lord has shown these young men who are several years my junior. I support what they are doing and it is my hope that young seminarians and college aged in the Reformed, evangelical fold will take a page from New Attitude and practice some Humble Orthodoxy. If they do, only the other side of eternity will tell the story of what the Lord will do in our midst.

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