Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Supremacy of Christ

If there has been one consistent theme that the Lord has been teaching me this Christmas, it has been the supremacy of Christ. To celebrate this season from tradition, or out of duty or obligation or even fascination wont satisfy the deep Christmas longings of your heart. The power of the gospel to transform from death unto life in the unbeliever and from life unto abundant life in the believer flows from a proper reverence of the supremacy of Christ. Don't let this timeless truth slip by you this holiday season.

There was a wonderful book written on the subject which I hope to read soon but can wholeheartedly recommend notwithstanding entitled, "The Supremacy Of Christ In A Postmodern World." by David F. Wells. Check back soon, I will be posting the Two Institutions absolutely best last minute gifts list soon. Emmanuel, God with us!