Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Faithful To The Season And To Our Readers

The Christmas rush is upon us. With all of the spiritual, familial, and social commitments that this time of the year requires, it can be tough to get to everything on your schedule. In the rush that accompanies this season, however, we do not want you, our loyal Two Institutions readers, to want for content.

To that end, I will ask that you exercise a little flexibility in our posting schedule. We will, most likely, be posting smaller, more frequent posts at irregular intervals over the next few weeks. So, check back often for the gems we plan to share when we get breaks from our holiday schedules.

And just so you don't go home empty handed let me give you three nice Christmas freebies:

First, be sure to check out this free tract entitled: The Character of An Old English Puritan, or Non-Conformist. It was frequently referenced in Dr. J.I. Packer's lectures pod casted on Itunes U by RTS and mentioned by me in my last post.

Second, be sure to check out this podcast produced by InQuest Ministries of Steve Wright discussing his new book entitled reThink.

Third, in case you haven't seen any cool Christmas light shows, check this one out.

Merry Christmas, and stay tuned!

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