Monday, October 29, 2007


In my desk is a yellow sheet of paper. It is fitting that this sheet of paper is a golden color, because that is what this paper is worth to me. I have many heroes in life, but my top two are my dad and my granddad, Jack.

Jack went to be with the Lord a little over a year ago. He taught me many things. He taught me to fish. He taught me to drive. He taught me to sacrifice and be disciplined, although I hated it at the time. He was oldschool and as my brother said to me at Jack's funeral, they don't make men like Jack anymore. He was from Deep Creek, VA which is in the Chesapeake Bay area. The picture above is of Deep Creek. He was a self made man and was very successful.

Jack gave me many gifts throughout my life, but none is more valuable than that yellow sheet of paper. The day I graduated highschool Jack presented me with that sheet of paper. It was in a leather dop kit and I didn't pay it much attention at the time. Now it represents a legacy from grandfather to grandson and from grandson to my sons. The words on the page are simple. It is a to do list of 7 things. These 7 values govern who I am and they will be invested in my kids as they grow up. Jack wanted me to sacrifice, be disciplined, be motivated, have ambition, get an education, establish priorities and to KNOW the book of Proverbs.

This is Hickman family legacy for success from one of the most successful men I have ever known.

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