Monday, October 1, 2007

A Follow Up

As a follow up to Mike's post from the weekend, I wanted to comment on intelligence. Many of us out there are probably like the guy with the shovel. Somtimes it takes intelligence hitting us in the face for us to realize that we don't have any. The church is like that as whole sometimes as well, and that shouldn't come as a shock when we see the people that are leading it today. I think many times we need to examine ourselves to make sure we aren't a shovel hit away from hurting ourselves and others for the sake of the Gospel.

If you are a subscriber to Group Magazine or if you can just get your hands on one, I would encourage you to go and read their July/August issue. It has an article titled "5 Unforgivable Mistakes". Sometimes all it takes is for us to admit that we lack intelligence to begin gaining it.

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