Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A Beloved Scholar Goes Home

With great sadness, we here at Two Institutions would like to take this opportunity to express our heart-felt condolences to all of the family and friends of Dr. L. Russ Bush. Dean Bush, as he was affectionately known, was a beloved husband, father, and professor. His contributions to Biblical scholarship marked him as one of the key academics behind the conservative resurgence in the Southern Baptist Convention.

Dean Bush was also a man of determination and vision. He had the courage to come to Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary at a time when we locals jokingly called it Southeastern cemetery and along with Dr. Patterson shape and mold the school into a hotbed of gospel fervor. Many were the times that this blogger sat in Binkley chapel as a student at Southeastern and was comforted by the steady and benevolent leadership of Dean Bush. He has been promoted to heaven but the rich legacy that he leaves behind will forever enshrine him in our hearts.

Dr. Al Mohler has done an outstanding tribute to Dean Bush which can be found here.

The Seminary has posted its official announcement here.

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