Monday, January 14, 2008

Behind the times...

It seems I often find myself behind the times. If there is anything news worthy or culturally relevant, you most certainly won't hear it from me first. I am most happy to gain my information 32nd hand and I really don't feel like the last kid picked in dodgeball when I read about something only to find the date on the article is from two years ago.

It is this point precisely that has led me in this new year to be increasingly more aware of trends and traits that may have an impact on the church and Christian faith in general. I have basked in my cultural ignorance for long enough. It used to make sense for me to say I was avoiding culture at all costs. But can we really avoid culture?

What I am finding in my own journey is that the real question is not whether we should be cuturally ignorant or culturally relevant. I feel the real issue has more to do with understanding biblically what is our cultural responsibility, and then we must make sure not to stray from that.

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