Saturday, September 22, 2007

Weekend Update: Chastity Making A Comeback

"Grant me chastity and continence, but not yet"
- Augustine of Hippo

These word were uttered by Augustine before he laid aside his sinful lifestyle to become one of the greatest theologians in church history. Now over 1600 years after his honest confession, Chastity is making a comeback in theory and in practice. This can be largely credited to a witty, agnostic turned Christian author Ms. Dawn Eden. Her eye catching missive is entitled, "The Thrill Of The Chaste" and is sparking all kinds of conversation on college campuses and coffee houses all across the country. I found out about her when she made an appearance on Dr. Al Mohler's radio show which can be found by clicking on this link: Recovering Our Vocabulary: The Language of Chastity. I haven't read her book yet but it is in my queue. I will give a full review when I finish (which will probably be a couple of weeks). In the mean-time, I will keep you posted on her success.

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