Thursday, September 27, 2007

Servant Leadership

There are many styles of leadership, but none speak volumes like the servant leadership exhibited by Jesus. He was the very Son of God and yet he thought it not beneath him to wash the disciples feet. I am truly humbled when I pause to think of the implications of this simple but profound act.

I am currently reading, "The Book On Leadership" by John MacArthur. This book is a great treatise on the life of the Apostle Paul and how his experience with opposition in Corinth set him apart as a role model for all leaders. Paul demonstrated servant leadership in three distinct ways:

1. He put the needs of his flock before himself.

2. He worked with his hands so as not to be a burden to his flock

3. He genuinely cared about his flock not just for what he could get from them

I am amazed at the attitudes of some pastors I encounter from time to time. Entitlement oozes from their pores and it doesn't take you very long to see where their heart lies. I hope and pray that by God's grace that if you are at a church of 100 or 100,000 that you will stay grounded and never forget that leadership is influence and influence comes from trust and trust is earned by proving that you genuinely care.

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