Friday, July 13, 2007

Alabama: The Buckle On The Bible Belt

It should come as no shock to those of you who hail from the yellowhammer state, but according to a recent poll published in the Christian Post, Alabama beats the rest of the U.S. in Biblical knowledge. The article entitled, Alabamians Beat Nation in Biblical Knowledge cites a poll that was conducted by the USA Polling Group. The survey asked a sample of Alabama natives basic questions such as the names of the four gospels, the birthplace of Jesus, etc. I for one am happy to congratulate the people of Alabama for their Biblical scholarship. For years it seems that the deep south has been maligned as full of cross-bred, redneck, hicks. Well, such people do exist to be sure, but at least the hicks know the Bible, and that is something to be proud of!

1 comment:

Amber said...

Who are you calling "hicks"? Would that be code for something longer??